How Dry Eye Affects Contact Lens Wear and Comfort

Dry eye is a common condition that occurs when the eyes don't produce enough tears or the tears evaporate too quickly. It can cause discomfort, irritation, and even vision problems. When you combine dry eye with wearing contact lenses, it can amplify these issues and make it challenging to wear contacts comfortably.


Dry Eye and Contact Lens Discomfort

Dry eye affects contact lens wear in several ways. First, the lack of adequate tears can lead to increased friction between the lens and the surface of the eye. This friction can cause irritation, redness, and a gritty feeling. 

Secondly, the reduced moisture on the eye's surface can lead to contact lens dehydration. When the lenses become dry, they can become stiff and less flexible, making them uncomfortable to wear. Additionally, the lack of tears can affect the lubrication and movement of the lenses, leading to discomfort and blurred vision.


Strategies for Managing Dry Eye While Wearing Contact Lenses

Managing dry eye while wearing contact lenses requires a proactive approach. Using lubricating eye drops specifically designed for contact lens wearers can help replenish moisture and provide temporary relief from dryness. These drops can be used throughout the day as needed to keep your eyes hydrated and comfortable. Make sure to choose drops that are compatible with your type of contact lenses.

Maintaining good hygiene and following a proper lens care routine is crucial for managing dry eye. Clean your lenses thoroughly using a recommended contact lens solution before and after each use. Avoid using tap water or saliva to clean your lenses, as these can introduce bacteria and irritants.

Give your eyes regular breaks from wearing contact lenses. During these breaks, switch to glasses to allow your eyes to rest and recover. This will help reduce the strain on your eyes and give them a chance to produce more tears naturally.


Choosing the Right Contact Lenses

When you have dry eye, choosing the right type of contact lenses can make a significant difference in your comfort and overall eye health. Silicone hydrogel lenses are a popular choice for individuals with dry eye. They have a high oxygen permeability, allowing more oxygen to reach the cornea and maintain eye health. These lenses also retain more moisture, which can help alleviate dryness and irritation.

Daily disposable lenses can be beneficial for dry eye sufferers. These lenses are worn once and then discarded, reducing the risk of protein deposits and bacterial buildup that can exacerbate dryness and discomfort. Each day, you start with a fresh pair of lenses, ensuring optimal hygiene and comfort.

Scleral lenses are larger lenses that vault over the cornea and rest on the sclera, the white part of the eye. These lenses create a reservoir of tears between the lens and the cornea, providing continuous lubrication and comfort. They can be especially beneficial for individuals with severe dry eye.


The Importance of Regular Consultations with an Optometrist

Regular consultations with an optometrist are crucial for individuals with dry eye who wear contact lenses. An optometrist can assess your eye health, evaluate the impact of dry eye on your lens wear, and provide personalized recommendations. They can also monitor any changes in your eye condition and adjust your contact lens prescription accordingly.

During these consultations, your optometrist may perform additional tests to assess the severity of your dry eye and recommend appropriate treatments. They can also educate you on proper lens care and hygiene practices, ensuring you have the knowledge and tools to manage dry eye effectively.


Schedule Your Consultation with Los Alamitos Optometry Today

Dry eye can significantly impact the comfort and wearability of contact lenses. However, with the right strategies and proper lens selection, you can manage dry eye and enjoy wearing contact lenses comfortably. By taking control of your dry eye, you can continue to enjoy the benefits of clear and comfortable vision with contact lenses.

If your are experiencing dry eye discomfort with wearing contact lenses, contact our optometrist to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards improving your comfort. Visit Los Alamitos Optometry at our office in Los Alamitos, California, or call (562) 795-6111 to book an appointment today.

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